A new AI was unleashed upon the world this week. On Tuesday, Google released a limited beta of its own AI chatbot, Bard, which it claims can be used to “boost your productivity, accelerate your ideas and fuel your curiosity.” Meant as a companion to Google search, Bard is supposed to help answer questions, generate creative prompts, and act as an all around informational guide for web users. Whether Bard can actually help people achieve any of that remains to be seen but, so far, the chatbot has—just like other chatbots of its kind (ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Bing chatbot, Meta’s Blenderbot)—proven that the thing it’s best at is acting certifiably insane. Prompted by some lucky early users, this week Bard made no bones about spouting off and saying all kinds of crazy shit. From trash-talking its overlords at Google to its controversial perspectives on pancakes to its inability to do basic math, Bard really is one of a kind!
Here are some of the chatbot’s greatest hits, so far.
Want to know more about AI, chatbots, and the future of machine learning? Check out our full coverage of artificial intelligence, or browse our guides to The Best Free AI Art Generators and Everything We Know About OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
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