“Logistics is the difference between a click and a bang”, as logisticians across the armed forces like to remind their fellow operators. It’s all good playground banter, until it isn’t. An essential part of operating a globally deployed Navy at both peace and at war is the ability to replenish fuel and stores whilst underway at sea. It keeps you “up threat” for longer and reduces reliance on other countries who, depending on the circumstances, may not want you alongside.The Royal Navy and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) combine to do this as well as any navy in the world.
Or at least they did. The RFA have four Tide Class and two Wave Class tankers, or “oilers” as they’re colloquially known, whose principal job is providing fuel to Royal Navy and other warships at sea. However, one of the Tides is in extended maintenance and the two Waves are in a state of “extended readiness”; de-crewed and sitting alongside.
This is not the end of the RFA’s woes. Currently, Fort Victoria is the only ship able to provide solid stores support (ammunition and heavy items such as F35 engines) to our flagship aircraft carriers. She is languishing in Leith, also with minimal crew. The three Fleet Solid Support ships assigned to take this role off her are not due off the production line until 2028 to 2032, and that’s with a following sea.
If you want an example of planning incoherence at the highest level, delivering an advanced carrier capability whose support infrastructure won’t be ready for another eight to ten years is a good place to start.
All this places an increased burden on our allies. Allies are a great enabler – a fundamental part of our international defence architecture and they should be rightly nurtured and celebrated. It may be unlikely that we will ever have to fight again on our own, but this doesn’t mean we should accept dependence on allies. Do this too often and it stops looking like increased cooperation and more like an excuse to save cash.
As an example, in 2012, I was in command of a frigate tasked with hunting Russian submarines in the North Atlantic. Maritime patrol aircraft are a key part of this but the UK had paid ours off as part of the defence harakiri that was the 2010 strategic defence review. “We will use allied aircraft!” was the cry. Fine until, by law of averages, or because constantly asking has become annoying, none are available. We went into that “fight” with one arm tied behind our back a lot.
The RFA has an interesting pedigree. Their ships are merchant navy but painted grey and their crew are civil servants but with a sponsored reserve status which enables them to go to war. And to war they most certainly go. Ten RFAs went to the Falklands in 1982 and suffered some horrific losses there, the anniversary of which was only last week. They have had a similarly key role in maritime operations and conflicts since, routinely providing UK grey ship presence when warships have been unavailable.
Their roles extend beyond “just” fuel. The three Bay Class ships are an integral part of our amphibious capability; RFA Argus is our casualty receiving ship and the new purchases, Stirling Castle and Proteus will have key roles in mine countermeasures and ocean surveillance respectively. This is a diverse portfolio for an organisation of just 1600 people.
As tankers, the RFA were a source of pride to us in the Navy. Clearly we never said that out loud, but if you were to meet up with one in a far-flung corner of the world, you knew that they would be there on time, with better quality fuel than anyone else and able to replenish you in the dark and in a higher sea state than anyone else. And in places like The Gulf, we liked knowing that they were doing this day-in-day-out for other navies as well.
It’s a terrible shame to see the organisation in its current state. The causes of the woes are complex and deep-rooted and it is perhaps too simple to blame them on persistent underfunding, although this lies over all of defence like a suffocating shadow.
The latest issues appear to be based around crewing, and in turn retention. This is no doubt due in no small part to a gradual erosion of “the offer”. For some time this was quite attractive. Pay was matched to BP rates with elements of tax relief thrown in. Merchant Navy status was there and included hard-earned Master’s certificates. Deployment rotations were predictable yet flexible whilst excellent accommodation and a more relaxed attitude to discipline than their RN counterparts were all retention-positive.
Unfortunately, like pretty much everything across defence, the offer has now been squeezed to the point where pay and conditions have become retention negative. The resulting outflow of sailors multiplies this further as does the RFA’s inherent leanness. Then you have to lay up ships (because they’re knackered or have no crew) and you are now in a death spiral. The RFA looks like it’s in this stage now.
There are solutions but they’re easy to say and hard to do. Increasing defence expenditure leads the way and is a drum that can not be beaten too often. The decline in spending has been in place since WW2, was turbocharged in 2010 and despite the demand signal being higher now than since the end of the Cold War, shows no sign of significantly reversing.
If the RFA is to recruit and retain more effectively, it will have to do so against a difficult backdrop. There is a worldwide shortage of seafarers right now. Figures released earlier this month indicate a nine per cent shortage of merchant navy officers across the globe and increasing rapidly. Out of sight out of mind is often the cry of the Royal Navy but this is in fact a global maritime issue and one that is getting worse. Having said that, the issue is local as well. The Civil Service’s term for the RFA is Non-Specific Operating Group. It’s hard to imagine a name that sounds more like “get to the back of the queue”.
All of which is a quick way of saying this problem has been a long time in the making and will take an equally long time, and an uplift in political will, to resolve. In the meantime, we endure yet another micro-erosion of our once blue-water Navy’s exceptional ability to operate anywhere around the world with or without host-nation support. A war in Europe and the prospect of our most powerful ally being run by someone who doesn’t like sharing his toys very much doesn’t seem to be moving the dial at all.
Our aircraft carriers are incredible and we should be proud of them. Their support network is descending into farce.
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