The chiropractic adjustments are also called manual manipulations or spinal manipulations. Provided by certified, professionally educated, and expert chiropractors, spinal adjustments are a popular and non-invasive method for low back pain and neck pain treatment, among other benefits. During a chiropractic adjustment and treatment procedure, a chiropractor applies manual manipulations to the human vertebrae to ensure that the abnormal movements are rectified and the bodily systems function normally again. The ultimate goal of a chiropractic adjustment procedure is “subluxation”, which is rectifying the altered positions of the human vertebra and treating any functional loss.
Description of a Chiropractic Adjustment
When a chiropractic adjustment can successfully reduce bodily subluxation, it provides benefits including reduced irritability of the nerves, greater range of motions, and improved functions. The adjustment includes:
- A short lever-arm motion and thrust (at high velocity) are applied to the vertebra of the patient.
- Release of the gases and joint cavitation (pressure reduction). The audible release is caused when gases (including carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen) are released and when the pressure on the joints is reduced.
- A pain-relief and comfortable sensation comes to the patient in the vast majority of cases. However, sometimes some minor discomfort (lasting only for a very short duration) is there as the surrounding muscles may go into spasm for a short period. It soon fades away.
Chiropractic Adjustments are Safe During Pregnancy
A pregnancy chiropractic adjustment or any other form and specialization of chiropractic therapy is entirely non-invasive and does not require any surgery. No medications are used as well. More than 50% of women may suffer from pain in the hip and back region of the body before the time of delivery. Chiropractic treatment is a safe method for treating this pain in pregnant women, in the majority of cases. More than a million people undergo chiropractic adjustments every day, and a substantial number of these are pregnant women. Apart from holding key qualifications and experience in chiropractic therapy, chiropractors for pregnant women may also specialize in prenatal therapy and care after receiving specialized training for providing the therapy to pregnant women.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care and Therapy During Pregnancy
Women may undergo several physical and hormonal changes during the time of pregnancy. Some of these physiological changes may also impact bodily posture and subsequently comfort. With time the baby grows inside the womb and becomes heavier, so that the center of gravity of the pregnant woman may shift and cause postural adjustments. Such changes in posture and spine may be a cause of misaligned joints and spine and may also cause pain in the neck or lower back region of the body.
You can search for a leading and expert chiropractor by searching Google and the internet with keywords including “the best maternity chiropractor near me” to locate the reputed clinics. You can visit the clinic of a certified chiropractor to have addressed the lower back pain/neck pain/spinal issues and to rectify the misaligned joints during pregnancy.
A recent survey reveals that more than 75% of women who underwent chiropractic care during the time of pregnancy before the delivery experienced relief from pain and postural issues and had happier pregnancy and delivery experiences. Such spinal adjustments are beneficial for the baby as well, as the therapy improves spine health, reduces stress or nerves, and promotes health and well-being. You can also consult your family physician for medical advice and referrals. Reach out to a leading chiropractic clinic near you to know more about the benefits of non-invasive therapy during pregnancy and how it can improve the health of the mother as well as the baby.