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‘Are you going to let us die?’ Boaters try to bail water, then capsize off Hollywood

Three men fishing off the Hollywood coast were saved by good Samaritans after their boat capsized.

The men said their boat started taking on water on Monday and then it flipped as one of the boaters tried to reach a bucket to bail the water.

What the boaters did

All three were got on top of the boat and then started yelling for help.

“For 10 or 15 minutes, I’m screaming my head off and he’s right there and the boat wasn’t moving. Like we were sinking. I’m like, ‘Oh my God are you guys going to let us die?’ … I didn’t think he was coming,” said one of the men..

Eventually, the people on a South Florida charter boat saw the fishermen in distress, threw them life jackets and pulled them onto their large vessel. The men were shaken up, but are OK.

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This report is from Miami Herald news partner CBS News Miami.


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