The fact of the matter is, however, that Google Glass Enterprise has been a very successful device in its respected fields, namely: surgical and other medical procedures, assembly line assistance, design and engineering, and more.
Fast forward to 2022 and the annual Google I/O developer forum. Google showed a new pair of AR glasses, and people went nuts about them. They were able to transcribe and translate in real time using Google’s powerful language models and also help with navigation, and generally, this device looked like a much more useful and logical iteration of the AR concept.
Now, just a year after the initial teaser, Google has decided to send the new AR Glass project to its infamous graveyard. The project is dead (for now), probably due to the mass layoffs, the critical situation in the global economy, and the heads of Google’s AR and VR departments quitting.
We could ponder the reasons all day, but the more interesting question is, “Was this the right decision?” Especially now that Apple has finally introduced its Vision Pro headset? Vote in our poll and share your disappointment at the fact that our promised AR future is slipping away once again!