In Channels, WhatsApp users will be able to find Status and channels they choose to follow, separate from their chats. To make it easier for users to find channels to follow and populate their Channels list, WhatsApp has created a searchable directory where they can find their hobbies, sports teams, updates from local officials, and many more.
Additionally, it’s possible to get a channel from invite links sent in chats, email, or even posted online. As an admin of a Channel, your phone number and profile photo won’t be shown to followers, WhatsApp says. Also, if you’re just a channel follower, your phone number will not be revealed to the admin or other followers.
Furthermore, WhatsApp announced that it will only store channel history on its servers for up to 30 days, although it might add ways to make updates disappear faster from follower’s devices. On top of that, admins can block screenshots and forwards from their channel if they think it’s appropriate.
The new Channels feature will first be available in Colombia and Singapore, but they will be rolled out to more countries, along with the ability to create a channel, over the coming months.