For Graham Sharpe, his rat problem started with a persistent gnawing he heard one evening in his kitchen. Sharpe, a 52-year-old academic at Nottingham Trent University, ransacked the cabinets and replaced an external drainpipe which he thought might be an access point; but the furtive scratching and chomping continued. Then one night as he and his wife were lying in bed, they suddenly heard a deafening scuttling across the bedroom ceiling directly above their heads.
“They sounded really big, like there were badgers up there,” recalls Sharpe, who has four children aged between 10 and 15. “It really freaked my wife out. The notion there were rats sharing our house was something we really didn’t like.” It is a century since H.P. Lovecraft wrote his famous horror story, The Rats in the Walls, in which the new owner of a stately home called Exham Priory is driven to madness by rats slithering between the oak-panelled partitions.
Suddenly, the Sharpes found themselves living the modern- day version in suburban Nottingham. They contacted a pest controller who told them the rats had somehow accessed their cavity walls and taken up residence in their house. “When he put his head into the loft, he told us it smelled like a pet shop,” Sharpe recalls. The pest controller placed down poisons, but no matter how many he killed, the rats kept returning. At one stage, Sharpe and his wife were jolted awake by what sounded like a herd of rats charging around their en suite bathroom.
Eventually, after exploring outside manhole covers ringed with rat droppings, he located the problem: an extension built 12 years previously in which the builders had not properly disconnected the old drain. Sharpe was forced to rent a pneumatic drill and dig up the driveway himself. It solved the problem, but only after 18 months of sleepless nights and spending several hundreds of pounds fortifying their home defences. “I’m waiting for that sound to start again and for them to find another way of getting up there,” he admits. Sharpe is far from alone.
Recently it seems that a new offensive has opened up in humanity’s long-running war against the rat. New York has just appointed its first “Rat Tsar”, a former education official called Kathleen Corradi who has pledged zero tolerance towards the city’s unwanted inhabitants. In Paris, a similar influx of rodents has been reported across the city following waves of municipal strikes. In recent weeks, protesters have even hurled the bodies of dead rats at the French capital’s City Hall.
Meanwhile back home, we are currently fighting them on the beaches. Last month, residents in the Welsh seaside town of Tenby warned “rats as big as cats” had invaded after burrowing into the sea cliffs. Across Britain, pest controllers say business is booming. A trend which started in the early days of lockdown when, according to the British Pest Control Association, more than half of pest controllers reported an increase in activity as rodent populations streamed from shuttered-up city centres into people’s homes and gardens in pursuit of food, appears to have become entrenched.
“Rats are becoming more of an issue,” explains Craig Morris, a 53-year-old pest controller who has ratted for the past 15 years across Hampshire, Dorset and Wiltshire, accompanied by border terrier Monty. “They are one of nature’s amazing survivors. They have exploited everything we do and done it really well.”
According to Morris, the causes are threefold: the availability of food due to human waste; poor sanitation and hygiene, and a growing resistance among rats to the anticoagulant rodenticides first developed in the 1950s. Due to their intelligence and fecundity – brown rats can produce litters of 14 pups, and average around half a dozen, and also possess the ability to fall pregnant almost immediately after giving birth – rats can adapt to whatever humans throw at them at an astonishing rate.
Last December, a study claimed around 78 per cent of rats had developed genetic resistance to anticoagulants. Because rats feed on whatever we eat, a dependence on fatty takeaways means that an increasing number of obese rats are also waddling on to the scene. Two weeks ago, a horrified customer at a branch of McDonald’s in Hull posted a video of what they claimed to be seven whoppers climbing out of a car park bin.
The largest rat Morris has ever encountered had a body measuring 12in (roughly the size of his work boot). The biggest rat on record to have been caught in Britain (by a Bournemouth rat catcher in 2018) measured 21in snout to tail. In one recent home infestation Morris attended, a rat had chewed its way through the back of a bread bin à la Jack Nicholson in The Shining, and devoured the loaf inside.
“What might sound horrific to most people is just an everyday occurrence to me, I’m afraid,” he says. Rats are supremely well adapted to exploit us. They possess teeth as strong as steel which can chew through concrete, extraordinary intelligence which enables them to map out pathways through our homes, and bodies so flexible they can squeeze themselves around the U-bend of a toilet pipe (something which happens more often than readers might wish to consider).
They are a species which inspires human fear and loathing like no other. And also, despite their ubiquitous use in laboratory experiments, an animal that remains largely a mystery to us in terms of how they live in the natural world. Certainly we have little idea of how many there actually are. The old adage that you are never more than 6ft from a rat is dismissed by experts but population estimates for Britain range from 10.5 million to in excess of 120 million. Some studies claim the urban rat population is actually contracting. Others that it is exploding.
Steve Belmain, a professor of ecology at the Natural Resources Institute at Greenwich University, is one of the world’s foremost rodent researchers. He is currently leading a project trapping rats across livestock farms in Norfolk and Essex to test for the prevalence of disease and says such is their sheer number in the countryside that they may even be double the population estimates. “I could easily imagine 200 to 300 million rats here,” he says.
They are running the project in partnership with a number of European countries to assess the potential impact of a rodenticide ban on human health. This year, the Netherlands removed all anticoagulant rodenticide for public use (although rare special exemption can still be granted to pest controllers) and Belmain expects other European countries to soon follow suit.
Despite the ecological benefits of banning these toxic chemicals, which easily spread into the food chain (secondary poisoning of birds of prey such as owls eating rats is a particular concern), Belmain admits he is worried about the possible implications for disease transmission. In the farms they are testing, they have detected widespread cases of salmonella and leptospirosis, a bacteria which spreads through rat urine and despite only a handful of cases in the UK, is estimated to cause around one million cases and 60,000 deaths a year worldwide.
Elsewhere, bubonic plague, cholera, typhus, cowpox and hantavirus infection have all been traced to rats. A 2014 study from Columbia University found the average New York subway rat carried 18 viruses previously unknown to science. Despite trying, and failing, to wipe out rats for centuries, if not millennia, Belmain argues that we should not give up the fight. “The sheer numbers are not natural or sustainable. They are only there because we are there, feeding them,” he says.
He points to places like Hong Kong, which have dramatically reduced rat populations through strict sanitation and zero tolerance, as a symbol of what can be achieved. Researchers are also developing new fertility controls – oral contraceptives which could in time precipitate a population collapse. Some would miss rats. Despite their critics, they have many advocates who praise their curious nature, sociability and sheer indefatigability. Others, however, will not sleep easy until every last rat has been wiped from the face of the Earth.
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