A Republican lawmaker in Minnesota argued that “two ounces” of marijuana was the equivalent of “three joints” during remarks as the Minnesota Senate voted Friday on whether to legalize recreational use of cannabis.
Republicans voted against the state Senate’s efforts to legalize recreational marijuana via bills that would allow residents 21 and older to buy up to 2 ounces of cannabis flower, 8 grams of concentrate or 800 milligrams of edible products and would let adults grow “up to eight cannabis plants at home,” the Star Tribune reported.
The bills, which passed in the state House earlier this week, also passed in the state Senate and will go next to a conference committee, the newspaper noted.
State Sen. Warren Limmer criticized a number of portions of the bills.
“Now I’ve seen some of the videos of DEA raids, some of these plants are 8 and 10 feet tall, you can have eight of ’em, you can have a privacy fence made of these products in your backyard,” Limmer argued Friday.
“Two ounces, just two ounces is equivalent to three joints.”
The amount of marijuana that Limmer claimed would be in a single joint is equivalent to roughly 18.9 grams. The amount is significantly more than what University of Pennsylvania research found to be the average amount of marijuana in a single joint: .32 gram.
Twitter users rolled and lit up Limmer’s comments, including one who suggested that a “joint committee” investigate his claim.
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